Parents are encouraged to be a part of our parent organization named TEAM:
Together Enhancing Academics and Ministry Assembly.
The T.E.A.M. Assembly parent group meets on a monthly basis working to partner with the school to enhance the educational process at Zion. T.E.A.M. Assembly sponsors activities for family enjoyment and for fund raising. Activities sponsored by T.E.A.M. Assembly include a Scholastic Book Fair, Apple Pie Fundraiser, Jesus Birthday Party, Fun Fair (odd numbered years), Father Daughter Dance (even numbered years) and also supports the computer lab needs.
Families are encouraged to participate in activities sponsored by the church and school. Families can worship at Zion Lutheran Church, attend sporting events, and attend activities sponsored by other organizations in the church. The family atmosphere is always a part of the aura surrounding the events.
2022 - 2023 School T.E.A.M.
Board Members
President - Kim Marcotte
Vice-President - Britnee Pettipas
Secretary - Heather Resmer
Treasurer - Rebekah Dore (2 year term)
Parent Room Reps
Preschool - Kristina Sieg
Kindergarten - Mallory Burzynski
1st/2nd Grade - Britnee Pettipas
3rd/4th Grade - Sarah Schwannecke
5th/6th Grade - Jessica Beson
7th/8th Grade - Rachel Stanford