My Example Maundy Thursday 6:30 PM w/Communion • Good Friday 9:00 AM & 6:30 PM • Saturday 5:30 PM w/Communion • Easter Sunday: Sunrise 7:00 AM w/Communion & 9:00 AM w/Communion .

Lenten Worship Service


Other News

February 15 & 16, 2025

Join us March 1st after worship in the cafeteria for Euchre. Entry is $5 per person and don’t forget quarters if you are euchred. Please RSVP to the office so their will be enough food. Proceeds go to support the 7th and 8th Grade Class Trip.

February 8 & 9, 2025

The 7th & 8th grade Little Caesar’s Pizza Fundraiser order details can be picked up in the Narthex this weekend. Pizza order forms are due by Thursday, February 27th. Online orders must be completed by Sunday, March 2, 2025. Orders will be delivered the week of March 17th. Thank you for supporting the 7th & 8th grade Class Trip!

February 1 & 2, 2025

“A Promising Dream” is the title of this week’s lesson. Jacob undeservedly receives his father’s blessing-he and his offspring will dwell in the land of Canaan. As the days of Isaac’s life approach their end, Jacob rightly fears for his life. Following the urging of Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob sets out for the house of his uncle Laban. Along the way, Jacob dreams of a ladder reaching to heaven, with the Lord Himself standing at the top. The pre­incarnate Christ repeats God’s promise to give this land to Jacob and his descendants. As a family, consider discussing how God can use even sinful people to fulfill His plans.