- (989) 662 4264
- office@zionauburn.com
- Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 3:30pm
- Worship: Sat 5:30pm Sun 9:00am
- 1557 Seidlers Rd. Auburn, MI 48611
Our prayer chain exists to assist those who request/need our support in bringing their prayers, praises, and thanks to the throne of our loving and merciful God. Each week a prayer list is generated and sent to the chain members via email (preferred) or snail mail. Mid-week updates are often also available to those with e-mail. We also contact by phone when emergencies arise. Members are asked to pray each day for at least a portion of the requests on the list, with the hope that all members will be able to pray over all the requests by weeks end. A portion of the list is confidential and we require that these items be handled strictly in that fashion. There are no meetings involved with this ministry, just a love for God and your neighbor, and a firm belief that God will keep His promise to hear and answer.
We invite you and your family to join us for Worship, Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Contact us at (989) 662-4264 for more information about our Church and School.