- (989) 662 4264
- office@zionauburn.com
- Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 3:30pm
- Worship: Sat 5:30pm Sun 9:00am
- 1557 Seidlers Rd. Auburn, MI 48611
Saturdays at 5:30 pm
and Sundays at 9:00 am.
Zion Lutheran Church
1557 Seidlers Rd.
Auburn, MI 48611
We gather for worship on Saturdays at 5:30 PM and Sundays at 9:00 AM
During Advent and Lent we gather on Wednesdays at 6:30 (Join us for a meal beforehand at 5:30 in the school cafeteria)
We recommend arriving at least 5 minutes before service to allow time to be greeted and find a seat. That said, if you’re running behind when you come to visit us, we don’t mind. We’re excited to greet you no matter when you arrive.
Where do I park? At zion there is parking all around the church on the north side of Seidlers Rd. There is also plenty of parking on the south side of the road by the school gymnasium.
Most people enter the main set of double doors on the south side of the church. You can also use the doors under the covered entrance on the east side of the church. Both entrances will have someone there to greet you and provide you with a worship bulletin.
Many would describe worship at Zion as traditional. We follow various orders of service from the Lutheran Service Book, our hymnal. Music is generally organ or piano.
If you are a member of another LCMS Lutheran congregation you are always welcome to receive Christ’s body and blood at
Zion. If you are coming from another Lutheran synod or another denomination we ask that you wait until learning more about what we believe and teach before receiving the Lord’s Supper.
If you are interested in Baptism, please contact the church office (989-662-4264 or office@zionauburn.com) and you will be put in touch with one of the pastors.
Generally weddings at Zion are for the members of the congregation. If you would like more information please contact the church office (989-662-4264 or office@zionauburn.com) and you will be put in touch with one of the pastors.
Here’s how it works. If you are coming from another Lutheran congregation, a brief meeting with a pastor and some paperwork is likely all that is needed. For those coming from different backgrounds of faith, we ask that you participate in a several week new member class.
Such classes are offered twice a year, one in the fall and another in the spring. If you are interested in membership please contact the church office at 989-662-4264 or office@zionauburn.com
We invite you and your family to join us for Worship, Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Contact us at (989) 662-4264 for more information about our Church and School.