- (989) 662 4264
- office@zionauburn.com
- Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 3:30pm
- Worship: Sat 5:30pm Sun 9:00am
- 1557 Seidlers Rd. Auburn, MI 48611
The purpose of having and maintaining the Zion Lutheran Church Cemetery of Auburn, Michigan is to provide a resting place for the remains of members of Zion Lutheran Church of Auburn (hereafter referred to as Zion) as they await the day of the resurrection. Because it is not possible for us to know how long we will await that day, the following regulations are adopted for the sake of good order and to allow the caretakers of the cemetery to maintain the cemetery in a manner befitting its holy purpose.
Cemeteries owned and operated by a church or religious institution are exempt from Michigan’s Cemetery Regulation Act, 1968 PA 251, MCL 456.521 et seq. Zion’s Cemetery Association specifically disclaims any liability or responsibility for repairing or replacing any markers or monuments that may be damaged or miss-located due to vandalism, act of God, theft, deterioration or any other cause. Thus the following Rules and Regulations are provided to create Due Diligence in the daily operation of Zion’s Cemetery.
The present Zion Lutheran Church Cemetery is divided into three sections. Sections one and two are considered to be the old part of the cemetery; curbing and above ground markers are found in sections one and two. Section three is referred to as the new part of the cemetery. This section includes the area west of the third drive. For a better description, we request you to review the cemetery geographical plan with the Sexton or Cemetery Committee Chairman.
Adopted by Zion Lutheran Congregation Voters 09/26/2020 Date 11/12/2019, REV BB
We invite you and your family to join us for Worship, Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Contact us at (989) 662-4264 for more information about our Church and School.